Returning your Cosatto product? Our returns process is simple.
Changed your mind? Just pack your product away in its original packaging, contact us by e-mail at with your order number and we’ll arrange to pick it up from where you like. As soon as we get it back we’ll check it’s in good saleable condition, then credit you in full for the product. We regret we cannot pay for carriage. By the way, when you first receive your brand new Cosatto stuff, if the box is damaged tell the driver and write it on his note. If the goods are damaged inside, send us an email straight away and we will sort it out for you. None of this affects your statutory rights as a consumer
Your Rights
None of the above affects your statutory rights as a consumer this is a quick, simple explanation of what we can do for you when buying your Cosatto.
Governing Law – the contract between us shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and the English courts shall have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes between us
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We thought of everything you could possibly need then went beyond that. That’s why our 4 year guarantee is revolutionary.
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We’re wherever you need us to be and we’re listening. Freephone, email, Facebook or letter - let us know how we can make your world better.